Update: This Is Why Hundreds of Dildos Are Dangling From Power Lines in Portland

Twitter | BoingBoing

I've been to Portland once, and I saw cats on leashes and a gourmet lightbulb store. To say that it is a weird (and awesome!) place is an understatement. But you've probably never seen hundreds of dildos hanging from power lines — unless you're there right now. Reuters reports that hundreds of "phallic sex toys" have been spotted hanging from power lines all over Portland, OR, and no one knows why. Most of them are tied together, like those gems above, and a lot of them are orange (your guess is as good as ours). We thought the TwerkingButt was the weirdest sex-toy news we'd ever heard, but this definitely tops the list. Scroll through to see some of the hilarious pictures and reactions to this — ahem — ballsy move.

UPDATE: There is an answer to this madness. A woman — who remains anonymous for obvious reasons — spoke with Vice and explained why this prank "had to be done." The 20-something woman and some of her friends "came into possession" of more than 10,000 defective sex toys that couldn't be sold by the manufacturer because of a design flaw. That's more than she had any idea what to do with, so she thought this would be a hilarious way to get rid of them. "It was just a fun, hilarious thing to do. We're nowhere near done," she said, hinting that Portlanders should be on the lookout for butt plugs. All hilarity aside, the woman did want to make a point about having a more open conversation about sex. "I think people should be more comfortable talking about sex and sex organs," she said. "A lot of people own sex toys. This shouldn't be an embarrassing thing to see in public." And yes, the police "are still grappling with how to handle the situation." You can read the full interview on Vice.

People are on dildo patrol.
Instagram | stevewilkinsonpdx

People are on dildo patrol.

#Sunset Instagrams are now penis-filled.
Instagram | misstararene

#Sunset Instagrams are now penis-filled.

Understandably, people are a little confused.

But they love it!

Yes, it's a thing, rabble. Embrace it!