What Do Dreams About Weddings Mean?

You don't have to be obsessed with your own wedding to dream about it. Women have wedding dreams all the time! Whether you're getting married, attending a wedding, or planning the big day when you go to sleep, there's an important meaning behind all of it.

If you dream of getting married or attending a wedding, it could mean you have commitment on the mind. That commitment could be to a significant other, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. You could be thinking about committing to a job or big purchase too. If you have been thinking about the next steps in a romantic relationship, your subconscious could be telling you that this person is "the one" for you.

Wedding dreams can also symbolize a new beginning in your life. If you are moving, starting a new career, or developing a new relationship, dreaming of the big day could represent that.

Just because you're walking down the aisle in your dream doesn't always mean you're thinking about it in reality! You're just facing new decisions in challenges in your life. These kinds of dreams occur all the time.