4 Reasons Guy Friends Give the Best Dating Advice

Twins Karen and Kristy Ambrose, also known as The Ambrose Girls, share their four reasons guy friends give the best dating advice.


As much as girls love to stick together and gossip, we have a major soft spot for our guy friends. When you're in the mood to skip talk of the latest celebrity gossip or body insecurities and instead laugh over drinks, pizza, and a funny movie, they are your go-to! Some may find it crazy that a heterosexual guy and girl can be JUST friends, but in our opinion our guy friends maintain our sanity more than anyone else in the world.

Besides being awesome and low-drama, your best guy friends can also be a great resource for dating advice. When faced with a traumatizing dating situation, every girl will offer advice on how horrible and manipulative guys can be, which basically makes you want to swear off the entire male species. In times such as these, seeking out the wise words of one of this "hated" kind (aka a guy) can provide insight and perspective that is not rageful and actually makes sense. Suddenly the fire of angst against men is distinguished.

Guy friends can become a critical strength to enrich your dating knowledge. They give you a first hand account of the inner workings of the male mind. So, here are our four reasons we absolutely adore our guy friends advice when it comes to dating:

1. This one's obvious, they're guys too!

They know how men operate and the reasons behind some of the dumb and careless things they do. Guys are wired differently which makes them do some things that girls just do not understand. Your guy friends remind you of that and shine a light on the potential reasons for any confusing behavior. Odds are, they will end up talking you off the ledge that your girlfriends drove you to by making you realize that the situation at hand is really not that bad.

2. They're protective of you.

Sure they may still go by some sort of "guy code" even when giving you advice, but at the end of the day you are their #1. They know you well, and they've probably seen you get hurt before. Because they care about you as their good friend, they don't want to see you hurt again. Therefore, their advice to you is going to have your best interest in mind. Even if they have to break a tough truth to you, such as officially calling it quits with a guy, they'll let you know.

3. You need reassurance from a guy.

Your girlfriends can tell you that you're hot, successful, funny, or a great catch until they're blue in the face, but it just doesn't mean as much as when you hear it from a man. If you're feeling down in the dumps about a guy situation, a good guy friend will remind you of all of those things. It may sound superficial, but it is more validating to hear from a guy because you can then assume that other guys think the same.

4. Men are logical.

Women are highly emotional. We tend to react right from our hearts. This can be bad because, sometimes we drive each other on into emotional spirals with no end in sight. Men can be emotional too, but rarely get to our level. Guy friends are fabulous at turning an overly emotional situation into something logical. Finding out the logic behind a guy's actions enables you to truly find clarity because you can see the situation for what it actually is, not what an emotional tailspin has made it.

We want to extend a huge thank you to all of our fabulous guy friends out there who keep us sane, happy, and smarter! We would be truly be lost without you!