Man Gets Penis Stuck in Gym Weight, Giving New Meaning to the Word DUMBbell

Look, we've all been there. You go to the gym, you decide you really just want to stick your penis in a barbell, you spend the next three hours at the hospital as firefighters are called to use various aggressive tools to pry said barbell off your junk . . . or, at least, that's what happened to this dummy, according to a Facebook post shared by firefighters in Worms, Germany. Translated, the caption reads, "One person had a very sensitive part of the body trapped in the hole of a 2.5 kg dumbbell disc. With the help of the grinder, a vibrations saw, and a hydraulic emergency, the dumbbell weight could be removed after three hours."

Obviously, we're left with more questions than answers after such a riveting tale, and the internet really delivered as we all processed the story. Read some of our favorite reactions on Twitter ahead.

Oh, and just to be clear, "Please do not imitate such actions!"