6 of the Worst Types of Guys to Date

Twins Karen and Kristy Ambrose, also known as The Ambrose Girls, share the top types of guys you should never, ever date.

Let's face it, some dates are just god awful. It is a harsh reality that all daters are confronted with at least once or twice in their lifetime. No matter how promising those flirty texts or phone conversations were leading up to the big date, a date can literally crash, burn, and die right in front of your face.

We have only experienced this from a female perspective, so take note, gents — don't be one of these guys. If you are, you will undoubtedly be the lead character of a dating nightmare story among girlfriends and Pinot Noir. Read on, ladies; we feel your pain and know what it's like to be on a date with any of the following guys.

The Oversharer
Universal Pictures

The Oversharer

This guy has absolutely no filter, at all. You ask a simple question of, "How many siblings do you have?" and 15 minutes into his rant later, you are made aware that his sister is the "black sheep" of the family. She moved to Omaha with a biker dude and changed her name to Destiny, which resulted in therapy for the entire family. Can anyone say awkward?

The Not-Over-His-Ex Guy

The Not-Over-His-Ex Guy

Again, a simple "harmless" question results in the memory of an ex-lover. When you bring up your ideas of what looks good on the menu, he is very quick to interject, "well, my ex got me hooked on salmon, so I like to order it here, it’s the best." He next turns the conversation into a detailed account of how she influenced his overall life choices, their sex life, and concluding with how he is "so over her." Uh huh, we're sure he is.

The Cheap Ass
The CW

The Cheap Ass

This guy chooses the location of your first date wherever there is a drink or food special. Dollar burger night? Bring it on. He winces as he views the bill, making you feel almost obligated to chip in. If you offer to do this, he will 100 percent accept and not even bat an eyelash. If this guy gets a date number two he will most definitely say, "you aren't really that hungry, right?" as you are glancing at your menus.

The Talker

The Talker

Have you ever been on a date and the guy talks so much that by the time you've finished your entire meal he hasn't even started his because he can't manage to take a bite in between his endless chatter? You've barely been able to tell him about yourself at all because you simply cannot get a word in. After all of his chatting, you start to wonder if he even remembers your name. At least you know he’ll leave that date thinking you’re a great listener.

The Know-It-All

The Know-It-All

He is never wrong. Ever. You don't even have to ask this one how smart he is, because he will tell you. He knows everything from where the ingredients on the restaurant menu are sourced from to the current statistics of the political races to the latest news on the stock market. You sit through this date bored and uninterested having to constantly dish out "oohs and ahhs" over his intelligence, which you don't dare to test!

The Vain Guy
Paramount Pictures

The Vain Guy

He'll pick a restaurant that is "see and be seen." This place also happens to have mirrors behind its booths and makes sure to sit facing it so he can catch glimpses of his perfect five o'clock shadow as he tries to impress you. He will be sure to wear his best labels and details all of his latest shopping and gym trips. He will most definitely be sure you "accidentally" see the $500 dinner bill while he comments how cheap it is.


No, we aren't making these guys up; their personas are all cleverly sourced from several girlfriends and ourselves. . . . Scary right?! So, from two single girls to all of the others out there, we sincerely hope your next date is worlds better than the worst ones we could jot down on paper. And for the dudes out there, just be yourself! Unless yourself is one of the aforementioned men. Happy dating, everyone!