A 13-Year-Old Boy Decided to Take His Own Life After an Unbearable Battle With Bullies

Thirteen-year-old Danny Fitzpatrick was a victim of bullying — as so many kids today are — but his battle with bullies was so severe that it resulted in the decision to take his own life. He hanged himself in his Staten Island, NY, home last week and left behind a heartbreaking note that he intended on sending to school officials detailing the unbearable experiences he went through at Holy Angels Catholic Academy in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

"I am writing this letter to tell about my experience in Holy Angels Catholic Academy," Danny wrote. "At first it was good . . . lots of friends, good grades and great life. But I moved and went back but it was different. My old friends changed they didn't talk to me they didn't even like me."

His mother, Maureen, said his bullies would follow him after school, taunting him and urging him to fight them. "My son's not a fighter," she said. "My son just wanted some friends. He needed a friend. Even one friend, I think he would have been OK."

In a Facebook Live video (below), his father, Daniel, spoke of his visit with Danny to the school's principal to discuss the bullying. "All we got was, 'He'll be fine. Is he in counseling? You have to try harder Danny. . . . These things will pass; children can be such horrible creatures.'" Daniel continued, emotionally addressing the parents of the children who tormented Danny at school.

All I have to say is I hope you never have to feel what my family is going through right now. You get to hold your children every night and day for the rest of your lives. . . . I don't get that anymore. . . . No parent should have to bury their child. No child should have to go through what my son went through.

Danny's heartbroken family has started a GoFundMe campaign — which has surpassed its goal in just three days — to raise money for a proper memorial for Danny.