How This Unborn Baby Is Already in Trouble With the Law

A pregnant woman in Oak Harbor, WA, discovered that having an attorney as a husband was likely one of the greatest baby gifts she received over the course of her more-than-nine-month pregnancy.

Ellisha and Jake Kempton's unborn baby was served an official eviction notice on Aug. 31 — eight days after her due date — to vacate the premises (Mommy's tummy) within 12 hours, or be faced with judicial proceedings.

According to a comment posted by Jake later in the day, Pepper Dee Kempton was born at 3:42 p.m., which was within the confines of the eviction agreement.

Lucky for this baby girl, she doesn't have to head off to court anytime soon, though future overdue babies may not be so lucky: "I'm thinking I should add this to my firm's list of services. I think there are a lot of expectant moms out there who would pay good money to get their babies 'evicted.'"