Proof That Boys Will Pocket Just About Anything!

Parents of boys know one thing for sure: you must always check your son's pockets before doing his laundry. Why, you ask? Well, little boys love to shove just about anything and everything deep into their pockets — and nothing ruins a good clean load of laundry like a melted Chapstick or loose piece of gum. I have no idea why our young men love to keep such random treasures in their pockets, but it's just another one of the many joys of raising boys. So take a look at some of the crazy stuff these mamas found in their kiddos' pockets. Source: Shutterstock

The Big Rock Pocket

The Big Rock Pocket

Every mom-of-a-boy's rite of passage: the day she finds the first rock in his pocket. Source: Instagram user ohmygwad

The Acorn Collector's Pocket

The Acorn Collector's Pocket

He's got the acorn collection off to a good start. Can't really say the same for his earplug collection . . . Source: Instagram user carissaalgea

The Snake Bones Pocket

The Snake Bones Pocket

Yup, snake bones. Source: Instagram user janielavo

The I Spy Pocket

The I Spy Pocket

I spy with my little eye: corn. Source: Instagram user minalovesbows

The Leftovers Pocket

The Leftovers Pocket

Let's hope that juice box was empty. Source: Instagram user mommabar27

The Heavy Metal Pocket

The Heavy Metal Pocket

Son, is that a wrench in your pocket, or . . . oh yeah, it is. OK, phew. Source: Instagram user bedlamgurrl

The Chapstick Pocket

The Chapstick Pocket

Thank goodness the cherry lip balm was found before it hit the dryer. Source: Instagram user mysoulfly

The Glow-in-the-Dark Pocket

The Glow-in-the-Dark Pocket

Honestly, that old key is pretty sweet. I probably would have pocketed it too! Source: Instagram user mekaismom

The A Little Bit of Everything Pocket

The A Little Bit of Everything Pocket

This boy took the phrase "finders, keepers" to a whole new level. Source: Instagram user jacelyn305

The Colorful Pocket

The Colorful Pocket

Or maybe he thought the term was finders, keypers. Source: Instagram user blairswest

The Au Naturel Pocket

The Au Naturel Pocket

I'd love to know what he was planning on doing with that stuff. Source: Instagram user jacksonink

The He's-So-Grounded Pocket

The He's-So-Grounded Pocket

Someone's got some explaining to do! Source: Instagram user mybrileybunch

The Emergency Preparedness Pocket

The Emergency Preparedness Pocket

When disaster strikes, this kid is ready. Source: Instagram user dora_et_al

The Backpack Pocket

The Backpack Pocket

"This was in my son's backpack. I have now come to the conclusion my son is a clepto.... I know somewhere in his school there are desks being held together by chewing gum and sheer will power." Source: Instagram user kchenna

The Marbled Pockets

The Marbled Pockets

I'm beginning to notice a theme; almost all boys' pockets have a round object, something from nature, and at least one piece of trash. Source: Instagram user rubyinthedustnz

The Generous Pocket

The Generous Pocket

"The hair clip he said was a gift for me." Source: Instagram user skobel85

The Stick Pocket

The Stick Pocket

When a boy finds a good stick, he holds onto it. Source: Instagram user ruralpearl

The Suspicious Catapult Pocket

The Suspicious Catapult Pocket

I have a suspicion that someone got nailed with that Lego. Source: Instagram user radianthomestudio

The Never-Ending Pocket

The Never-Ending Pocket

This kid has pocket-stuffing skills. Source: Instagram user ambercamp

The Balloon Pocket

The Balloon Pocket

Four balloons and one and a half bats. Not too shabby. Source: Instagram user bondgirlbeth

The Army Men Pocket

The Army Men Pocket

A mom never forgets her first time washing a load of her son's army men. Source: Instagram user bexpics

The Rocky Road Pocket

The Rocky Road Pocket

This boy has really upped the rock ante with his pocket full of treasures. Source: Instagram user sybrowsky

The Perfect Pocket

The Perfect Pocket

A feather, cards, a dinosaur, a balloon. This is what dreams are made of. Source: Instagram user nanahuchy

The Wocket Pocket

The Wocket Pocket

I have idea what a Wocket is, but I'm pretty sure it's in this kid's pocket. Source: Instagram user akotnour