Did Disney Just Introduce the Coolest Toy EVER?

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When I was a kid, I spent countless hours acting out my favorite scenes from movies. We'd wrap our arms in aluminum foil to make it look like we had superhero arm guards, use garbage can covers as shields, and reenact the whole thing — dramatic death scenes and all. I don't see my kids do this as much as I did, and I've long blamed iPads and video games for the lack of dramatic play.

It was going to take a force of nature to change the tide, and it looks like Disney (not surprisingly) just did that. This week, the company unveiled Playmation, a new line of toys that completely transform kids into their favorite characters using motion sensors and wearable technology without a wire or WiFi device to be seen. The toys are difficult to explain, but think of them like this: your little Avengers fan can put on Iron Man's "repulsor" arm piece and engage in missions (handed down from JARVIS) that require them to run, jump, and tumble their way around their room. As they play out their missions, their hand and finger movements are tracked, and the arm piece can shoot and block enemy shots just like it does in the movies. When you push a button to shoot at an enemy, the whole arm piece vibrates as a reaction. When an enemy shoots you, the lights on your palms change colors. You child is essentially Iron Man.

There's also an app that players can log into to track their progress and get new missions. And Playmation is already set up for multiplayer play, so kids can play against each other.

The Playmation Marvel's Avengers Starter Pack (the first in the line) ($120) will come with the "Repulsor," two "Power Activators" and two play figures — Captain America and Iron Skull. To play, kids simply strap on the repulsor and listen as JARVIS walks them through the gear. The set will be available for preorder on July 7, with delivery expected in October. Additional Avengers toys that work with the pack will be available then too. And Disney is already planning on introducing a Star Wars version for 2016 and a Frozen one for 2017, surprise, surprise!

While the creativity of homemade costumes won't be replicated with Playmation, the action and fun of running around as your favorite characters all seems to be there. As parents, we've been begging toy manufacturers to create engaging toys that capture our kids' attention as much as video games while getting them up and moving. This looks like the answer — at least it's the closest thing I've ever seen.