13 Passive-Aggressive Doorbell Threats From Moms With Sleeping Babies

Mothers aren't typically of a violent nature, but if you wake up a sleeping baby that we just spent hours trying to get to sleep, sh*t will get real. We promise, you do not want to be in the line of fire when a mom's baby starts screaming because someone rang the doorbell or knocked too hard. And if you are the person that rang that bell, Godspeed and good luck: our sincerest thoughts are with you.

This house comes with great goody bags.
Instagram | cleanhumour

This house comes with great goody bags.

This one may be hiding behind all of the pink and lace, but on the other side of that door is a tired mom who means business.
Instagram | sawdustandglitterco

This one may be hiding behind all of the pink and lace, but on the other side of that door is a tired mom who means business.

Knock softly at your own risk — kids hear everything.
Instagram | jackiesmit

Knock softly at your own risk — kids hear everything.

That smiley face is a trick. No one will be happy if you disobey this note.
Instagram | tashy79

That smiley face is a trick. No one will be happy if you disobey this note.

A fair deal, we think.
Instagram | arsanders24

A fair deal, we think.

Seriously, everyone's happiness. Including your own.
Instagram | m0mhumor

Seriously, everyone's happiness. Including your own.

If baby is sleeping, you better be Magic Mike ringing that bell, or else.
Instagram | cleanhumour

If baby is sleeping, you better be Magic Mike ringing that bell, or else.

"Overprotective dogs," aka "My dogs will chase you down the street on my command."
Instagram | jonstahura

"Overprotective dogs," aka "My dogs will chase you down the street on my command."

Nobody wants to have to deal with a crying baby, let alone a crying mama.
Instagram | mfloyd21

Nobody wants to have to deal with a crying baby, let alone a crying mama.

It's a chain reaction.
Instagram | linztice

It's a chain reaction.

Sh*t will get real . . .
Instagram | theveganorganicmama

Sh*t will get real . . .

Too real.