Why Having a Fellow Mom as a Bestie Is the Best

Parenting has mega ups and downs. One day everything is fabulous with clean clothes and smiling faces, while other days include diaper blowouts and sleep-deprived dramatics. But having a fellow mom to kick back with while the kids eat sand at the park is what makes it all better. If you have one, you totally get what we're talking about.

She's the best listener.

You both understand the art of talking in short bursts and being constantly interrupted while maintaining a conversation. You can talk through so much in a very short amount of time, solving life problems while making the most of a play date with the kids.

You don't judge each other.

You have a mutual bond that goes past if she's still in her cozy pants while grabbing coffee together. You are also more than willing to help pick cereal out of her hair. It's about being a mom and supporting each other, and you both get that.

You always have someone to text during your favorite shows.

She's also the first person you text when you have child worries or concerns. And she always gets back to you right away, even if it's the middle of the night when you're up with a fussy baby.

You sometimes show up to a play date wearing basically the same thing.

No joke. The same color, shirt, or sunglasses. You know what I'm talking about.

It's also great for the kids.

Let's just say they're going to be friends for life. But it's actually really healthy for kids to see their parents in strong and positive relationships, which helps little ones learn how to bond and relate with others, too.

You have a fellow mama's shoulder to lean on.

Parenting takes time, love, and lots of energy. Having a mom bestie is the solution for recharging when things get tough. But it's also wonderful to have that person to enjoy the good times, too. And she gets everything you're going through.

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