Why Doesn't Every Single Elementary and Middle School Participate in This Inspiring Tradition?

It's weird what teenagers and adults remember from their childhood — sometimes it's the really big things, sometimes it's the really tiny stuff. The Van Independent School District's newest tradition — walking high school seniors decked out in their graduation gear through the elementary and middle school hallways — may seem like a small thing, but those young children lined up to watch the "Senior Walk" are going to remember that inspiring moment for years to come.

In a post to Van ISD's Facebook, photos of some of the seniors walking through their former school hallways were shared along with a post reflecting on the impact of the day. "I never knew how much of an influence we had on the younger kids, but seeing their faces light up as we walked through their halls and high fived them, it really put it in perspective for me," senior Ashley Mosley shared. "It's something I'll never forget."

The effects of this simple walk could be life-changing for some of those students — high school is a little far off for the little ones, but it's never too early to start aspiring to something like graduating. Why doesn't every single school district do this?