Why the Latest Hoverboard Explosion Is Especially Shocking

So, turns out, even if you decided not to buy "the hottest Christmas toy on the market," you might still get to see those hoverboards in action. And by action, we of course mean exploding right in front of you for no apparent reason.

Contrary to most instances of a hoverboard catching fire, the latest didn't take place inside someone's home. This one burst into flames in the middle of a very crowded mall in Houston. Adding insult to injury, it happened mere steps from the very kiosk selling the $400 gadgets. Worse still, unlike other reported incidents that claim the fires took place while the products were plugged in and charging, this hoverboard was still inside its box.

Considering that these hoverboards have been banned on most major airlines and that the Consumer Product Safety Commission has reported 22 fire investigations and 70 emergency room visits from fractures, sprains, and concussions caused by falls while riding, it's a wonder they are still being purchased at all.

But they are.

In fact, only after seeing footage of the Deerbrook Mall explosion did one mom decide to return the hoverboard she bought for her 13-year-old son earlier that week. Unfortunately for her, the seller shut down the kiosk and isn't returning her calls.

So, let this be a wake-up call to parents still spending hundreds of their hard-earned dollars on this "toy" for their kids: they might really, really want it, but they probably also really want to not break their ankle or lose their childhood home to an uncontrollable fire. Sure, it's less fun for them to brag to their friends about having a bedroom free of smoke damage, but they'll recover. We promise.