This Toddler's Angry, Heavy-Metal Version of the ABCs Is the Cutest Thing You'll See Today

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Don't mess with this 2-year-old and her alphabet! In a video that has gone viral after her father posted it on YouTube last week, 2-year-old Charlotte gives us one of the most energetic, fierce, and all-around cutest versions of the ABCs we've ever seen.

Wearing a fluffy, pink hooded towel and sitting on her father's lap with heavy-metal music blasting in the background, watch as Charlotte goes to town on every toddler's favorite song. We're not sure if it is the pink robe, the furrowed brow, or the determined alphabet know-how that wins us over. But when it's all done, there's just one thing this tot wants — "I want mommy," she says as the video concludes.