This Little Girl Thought a Man in Walmart Was Santa, and His Response Was Perfect

Children grow up with a vision of Santa in their heads — white beard, red suit, belly full of cookies — so you can't really fault them for mistaking a man with a white beard for Saint Nick around the holidays, can you? The answer is no, you can't, and this man who was shopping with his wife when he was stopped by little Sophie handled her innocent and adorable mistake just how we imagine the real Santa would.

Walking through Walmart with her dad, Robert, Sophie Riley spotted a man who looked just like Santa, so she kept "sneaking up on him" until she finally got the courage to ask him if he was indeed Saint Nick. The man, Roger Larck, began chatting with Sophie about Santa things — Christmas, cookies, gifts, the nice list — and you can see the little lady get more and more excited throughout the exchange. Larck told Robert that meeting Sophie "was the best present he has received for a long long time."

Watch the video (with your volume all the way up) to see the adorable encounter — Santa's Christmas spirit meter is about to go way up thanks to little Sophie.