This Adorable Baby Girl Has 7 Months to Get Her Act Together Before Becoming a Big Sister

When announcing a fourth pregnancy, most moms would just avoid all creative efforts and make a simple Facebook status, but expecting mama Mel Watts decided to tell her youngest child and her followers in a hilarious Facebook photo post. Mel, blogger at The Modern Mumma, made the best of her baby girl's crying fit as a way to tell her that she was about to be a big sister.

"It's been a long few weeks," she wrote on Facebook, alongside the photo above. "I feel like I can say morning sickness doesn't get any better with the number of babies you have . . . what's one more? We're having number four. The kids are pumped. Nolan and I are over the moon."

As we can all see in the photo, her daughter is definitely pumped! The 29-year-old blogger and her husband have a 10-year-old son, Ayden, a 4-year-old daughter, Ivie, and a 1-year-old baby girl, Indie, who doesn't look too happy about needing to get her act together. Luckily for this crying cutie, she has until June 2017 to let this set in . . .

"We're sorry we lied, you aren't our last baby. You have until June 2017 to get used to the idea. Until then we'd appreciate if you learned to sleep through the night. I know this may come as a shock. Feel lucky you're the first to know out of your siblings and everyone else. Though we think they'll take it better. Thanks for your understanding, love, and support."

This is so cute. Congratulations to the adorable expanding family — we can't wait to follow Mel's journey (and see how her youngest handles the pregnancy)!