Why a Swing Set Started a War Between 2 Families

There doesn't seem to be a lot of neighborly love between two families in Plano, TX.

When Kelly and Andrew Counts were looking to move, one of the reasons they fell in love with their new home was because of the back patio that seemed perfect for a playhouse. However, next-door neighbors Irving and Anita Ward took issue with the structure and complained to the homeowners association that it took away from their "tranquil quality of life."

According to the HOA minutes, the Wards complained that the Counts' playhouse, which came with an attached swing set, caused "noise issues as well as visibility issues for them and their pets."

As a compromise, the Counts removed part of the playhouse's roof and the HOA approved of the structure, but that wasn't the end of the neighbor v. neighbor battle. The Counts claim that the Wards started blasting inappropriate rap music — complete with profanity-filled lyrics — whenever their four children were playing outside.

Kelly Counts and her husband filed a civil suit after she says that the Wards refused to have a conversation about the loud music around their kids, ages 2 to 10. "I don't feel comfortable in my own backyard," she explained. While the music stopped, the Wards hit back a few months later — with a lawsuit of their own.

The Wards are now suing the Counts for "loud and obnoxious noise" when the children play outside and alleging that they and their property have been damaged. Because the children are homeschooled, the Wards claim that the noise never stops.

"It's unfathomable to me. I can't imagine the sound of kids playing at any age or stage of my life and thinking that I needed to sue someone over it," Kelly Counts said.

The fate of the playhouse (and their neighborly relationship) will be decided next month.