Premature Twins Hold Hands at Birth, Will Melt Your Heart

Amazing!!! Needs to go viral!!! 󾌴󾌴 our preemie twins Kristiana and Kristian! Born at just 28 weeks and 1 day! Weighed in at under a kilo each! 󾌴󾌴 #preemietwins

Posted by Anthea Jackson-Rushford on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Twins have a special bond that originates in the womb. The twins in the video above — which was posted to Facebook one week ago and now has more than seven million views — were born premature at just 28 weeks old. They're seen resting on their father's chest holding tight onto one another's hand. If this doesn't prove that love has no age limit, we don't know what does.