This 9-Year-Old Was Prohibited From Wearing a "Make America Great Again" Hat to School

In Fresno, CA, a 9-year-old student is sparking dialogue about the appropriateness of political paraphernalia in public schools. Logan Autry is a self-described Donald Trump supporter and frequently wears a red hat with Trump's slogan, "Make America Great Again," emblazoned on it. The administration at Powers-Ginsburg Elementary School, however, found the hat to be a little too controversial for an academic setting.

Local ABC station KFSN reported that Logan's hat — which he had gotten signed by Trump himself at a rally — caused disagreements with some of his fellow students. Logan said, "I've told them his policies on illegal immigration and our second amendment and our first amendment and all of our amendments that need to be protected, which are not going to be an amendment at all if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders gets elected."

As a result of the drama among students, several school officials, like the principal and vice principal, asked Logan to leave the hat at home. After his third consecutive day wearing it to school, Logan was sent home early.

Logan's guardian, Angela Hoffknecht, explained his passion for politics when she said, "He knows more about this election than I know; it's kind of embarrassing. You know, like 'are you smarter than a third grader?' kinda thing. But he is just very adamant about his beliefs and his rights. He wants to be a politician – that's his goal."

While it clearly hurt Logan's feelings, did the school ultimately have the right to intervene in the sake of preventing student conflict?