This School's Brutally Honest Sign Teaching Kids to Problem-Solve Is Going Viral

High school is a time when kids should have some freedom and learn to be self-sufficient, right? The educators at Little Rock's Catholic High School For Boys seem to think so. The school wrote on its Facebook page, "Welcome to Catholic High. We teach reading, writing, arithmetic, and problem-solving," before sharing this sign they created for parents:

Catholic High School for Boys

Posted on Aug. 10, the post has gone completely viral with over 70,000 reactions and 3,700 comments. It has received a mix of reactions on Facebook, with some commenters saying, "Good job! The frail little snowflakes today need to learn life skills," and others writing, "It isn't up to the school to decide that stuff for parents, if the parents are available and willing to bring it to them then that's the problem solved."

Regardless of the feedback, it's a reminder to all parents that children need to problem-solve on their own and take responsibility for the little things — even if it's as simple as packing their own lunch or remembering to bring their homework to class. To the helicopter moms out there, it can be difficult to let go, but it's necessary. And for the parents who want to bestow responsibilities on their children at a young age, there are plenty of age-appropriate chores to get the ball rolling.