When You See What’s Happening in This Sonogram, It’ll Make Your Heart Swell

A couple's happy pregnancy news turned tragic when they found out that one of their unborn twins had an abnormal heart and was not growing properly.

"He's only weighing 9 ounces and his sister is over 2 pounds," mom Brittani McIntire said.

With each doctor's visit, Brittani and her husband kept receiving devastating updates: "His only chance of survival would be heart surgery," she recalled. "But they wouldn't do heart surgery because of his brain."

But then, during one visit, they were shown a powerful sonogram image of the two siblings.


The photo showed little Mason (on the left) wrapping his tiny hand around his twin sister Madilyn's growing finger. This emotional moment was bittersweet because Mason might never meet his twin sister Madilyn or the family. "We know we have a piece of them together that will last forever . . . and it's special to have," the father said.

His mother added that most twins are seen kicking or hitting each other in the womb, but in this instance it appears that Madilyn was protective of her little brother.

"It's just nice with everything going on. I know I'm holding him, I'm carrying him but I just want to be there for him," the mom said. "She's the only one who can actually be there and is holding onto him . . . so it's comforting to know that if he does pass, he won't be alone."