Gulp! This Toddler Was Caught Singing the Star Wars "Imperial March" in Her Crib and It's Amazing

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What do you do when your 2-year-old daughter is already showing signs of an allegiance to the Dark Side?

That's what one dad discovered when, thanks to a well-placed video baby monitor, he noticed her cute little noises were more than just random babble. His little girl was sweetly humming the tune of the Imperial March from Star Wars — also known as Darth Vadar's "dah dah dah dum da da dum da da dum" theme song.

"We watched Star Wars with our kids recently, and our toddler really enjoyed the bits she saw before her bedtime," Jonathan H. Liu, author of the GeekDad blog, wrote on YouTube after posting, quite possibly, the least menacing rendition of the tune ever performed.

The Force is strong with that one.