A Man Is Forced to Deliver a Baby in His Living Room — and It Was All Caught on Tape

When photographer Martin Boyce set up his camera to record the early stages of his fiancée Holly Dawson's labor, he expected he'd capture some fleeting moments before it was time to hop in the car and head to the hospital.

But, when Martin heard a scream coming from the living room, he knew instantly that they weren't going to have time.

Martin told their midwives the change of plans, but with even their arrival up in the air, he enlisted the help of his mom, who lived nearby and remained on the phone with the couple's midwives. Meanwhile Martin, who previously thought his sole job would involve hand-holding, got in position. He completely forgot that his camera was recording.

This video, which documents several short snippets from the incredibly quick birth, is a sight to behold: not only do you see intimate moments between the couple, but you also hear the utter shock and elation at the exact instant the baby is born. And in those seconds that follow, you witness a flurry of movements that looks almost second nature to a couple who has never, ever been in such a situation before.