Woman Goes Into Labor 2 Months Early and Gives Birth on a Plane

A typical flight from Dubai to the Philippines ended up with an additional passenger after a woman gave birth two months early. Thanks to social media, Missy Berberabe Umandal, who was sitting with her mother across the row from the woman, was able to document the whole amazing ordeal.

About five hours into the flight, the pregnant woman's contractions began, so the flight attendants and two off-duty nurses on the plane jumped into action to help her deliver her daughter. "We only heard one semi-loud screech, and a few seconds later, there were tinier, cute screeches, and it was when we knew the baby was born," Umandal wrote. "Luckily, she only had to push ONCE. Moments later, the woman got up to go back to her seat, baby in arms (mighty strong, I might say)."

Fortunately there were passengers with infants on the flight who were willing to give clothes and necessities to the incredible new mom, and the plane was able to make an emergency stop in India to get the baby medical attention, as she was premature.

As if this story isn't amazing enough as it is, there are apparently huge perks to having a baby on a flight: "Very lucky baby . . . since she was born in a Cebu Pac plane, she gets FREE TRAVELS FOR A LIFETIME with the airline."