This Working Mom Just Got Asked a Question No Man EVER Does

Susan Keogh, a radio host for Irish news station Today FM, was verbally assaulted by a man who questioned how she could have a full-time career while being the mother to a young child. Instead of just ignoring it, as most are justified in doing, the newsreader did one better.

She called him out in an open letter that she posted on Twitter.

"I was trolled earlier this week by a guy who thinks I shouldn't have a baby AND a job," she tweeted. "Here's what I think."

The letter, addressed to "Brave Man," has so many good zingers, it's hard to pick just one to highlight:

I want to show her that she can make choices. I want her to be confident enough to make the right ones for her.

Do I feel guilty? Every day.

And when I addressed you earlier as 'Brave Man' what I actually meant to say was 'Tosser.'

But perhaps what hurts most like a punch to the gut is when she described how differently she and her working husband are treated:

I miss bedtime most nights. Do you know how many people point that out to me? Too many. My husband leaves the house at 5 every morning. He misses 'wakeup time' every day. Guess how many people point that out to him? You got it! None.

Yes, it's important that Keogh's job makes her happier and thus "a better mom," and it's noble that she chooses to work to "provide a better future" for her 4-year-old daughter, but must she have to even explain that? Does she really need to write out a laundry list of reasons that are tantamount to excuses for why moms work?

She'd certainly agree that there aren't many working dads out there being pushed to do the same.