The 98 Moms You Meet Throughout the Year

If you thought you'd seen it all before having kids, just wait until you meet the cast of characters otherwise known as moms that come with the motherhood territory. From new-mom playgroups and the first day of school to the grocery store and the sidelines of kids' games, not to mention the ones you see posting on Facebook, motherhood brings out the best and worst in women, and over the past year, we've met them all!

Read on to prepare yourself for the types of moms you'll run into as your kids grow up, and tell us, which title best suits you? Source: Facebook user Strollercize West Seattle

Ms. Waterworks

Ms. Waterworks

Whether it's her first child or her last, the waterworks mom just can't stop the tears from spilling. Cut her some slack, hand her some tissues, and remind her that it's going to be a great year!

The Spirit of the Season

The Spirit of the Season

Her holiday is filled with comfort, joy, and a few mishaps. But she knows the only thing that matters is that she spends the day surrounded by family and friends.

The "I Didn't Know Siblings Weren't Invited" Mom
Thinkstock | Monkey Business Images Ltd

The "I Didn't Know Siblings Weren't Invited" Mom

She shows up at the weekend birthday party with an extra kid or two in tow, just assuming they can participate in activities with no regard for the price per head that the facility charges.

The Mother of Mayhem

The Mother of Mayhem

Her sickly tots are running around the place like whirling dervishes . . . but hey, at least she's out of the house, right? Source: Reddit

The Pied Piper Mom

The Pied Piper Mom

We don't know what it is about this mom, but she has a way with kids. Before you know it, she has all of the kids at the playground sitting in the shade for story time or doing a crafts project with the twigs she had them collect as she deceived them into cleaning up the park. She must be a former teacher.

The Carpool Mom

The Carpool Mom

She has enough booster seats for everyone on the team, and she doesn't mind the screaming, cheering, and otherwise rambunctious behavior of a carful of wild kids after a weekend-long tournament.

The Snack Bar

The Snack Bar

Don't worry if you forgot to pack a snack; this mom's got it all. Her stroller's basket is filled with goldfish, pretzels, baby-food pouches, extra bottles of water, and even an array of diapers in various sizes, just in case.

The Helicopter Mom

The Helicopter Mom

You can't miss this parent — she's hovering over her child like a sticky shadow, making sure her little one doesn't scrape a knee, nick a finger, or experience one moment of duress.

The Silent Mom

The Silent Mom

She sits in the corner by herself at every birthday party with an invisible wall around her so no other mom will even approach her. Source: E! TV

The Bobby Knight

The Bobby Knight

She takes every call seriously, so much so that you worry she might have a heart attack on the sidelines. From her screaming to throwing things, the last thing you want to do is cross this mom's path in the final moments of a game. Source: WiffleGif

The Social Butterfly
Sony Pictures

The Social Butterfly

The playground is this queen bee's runway. She knows all of the neighborhood moms will be there, so she won't step foot on the rubber, kid-safe surface without a fresh face of makeup and her coolest jeans.

The PC Parent

The PC Parent

You'll never hear her utter the phrase "Merry Christmas." She's a firm believer in making the holidays all-inclusive, no matter what religion you follow.

The Thinker
Sony Pictures

The Thinker

This mom considers Facebook to be her diary. She writes every stream-of-consciousness thought that enters her mind, often leaving her friends wondering what she's talking about. Or, based on her vague posts, wondering if everything's OK.

She's in a Hurry, OK?

She's in a Hurry, OK?

The waiting area may be standing room only, but her kid is the only one who matters. Trust her.

The Stress Case
Warner Bros.

The Stress Case

She has a to-do list longer than Santa's and doesn't know how she'll get it all done. But of course, she manages to check everything off with plenty of time to spare.

The Paparazzo

The Paparazzo

This mom's smartphone camera is always at the ready, and she must have the biggest storage plan out there because she's always taking pics of her kids and sharing them — always! Like when they're eating dinner, goofing around on the sofa, or just sitting in the car. Source: Giphy

The "Just Have Fun" Mom

The "Just Have Fun" Mom

She senses when a child is nervous and eases their concerns by reminding them that they don't have to be perfect — they just have to have fun! Source: Lifetime

The Pinterest Perfectionist
YouTube | Hey Gay

The Pinterest Perfectionist

No store-bought finds in this family's house! Everything from her food to her decorations was made by her own two hands and looks even better than the original pin. But be warned: she's not afraid to tell you if your DIY project is a total disaster.

The Price Is Right Mom

The Price Is Right Mom

She goes in to Target to buy three things, and only three things. But before she knows it her cart is filled to the brim. Now it becomes a game. Can she get out for under $100? You can spot this mom because she's hanging on every word the cashier says as they ring her up.

The Oversharer
Paramount Pictures

The Oversharer

You often wonder if she has confused Facebook with her diary. She posts pictures of her baby's very infected diaper rash, shares all the details of her postbaby sex life, and asks if her vagina should look like that after labor.

The Photobomber

The Photobomber

She finds a way to sneak her kid into every photo taken at your kid's birthday party — especially the blowing-out-the-candles photo that you planned to display on the mantel.

The Stealth Shopper

The Stealth Shopper

She has a list in her hand, knows the lay of the grocery store land, and is set on getting in and out in record time. In fact, check her phone, and she may have her timer set to see if she can beat her last trip through the store. Source: Giphy

The Playground Police
Quick Meme

The Playground Police

This mom is just looking out for the safety of everyone at the playground — even if it means telling your child that he's too big to be playing on the tire swing.

The Teacher

The Teacher

We're not quite sure where this mom finds the energy, but she turns everything into a learning experience — even the aisles of the grocery store. She makes the apples sing songs, has her kids counting the varieties of tomatoes, and more. We wish we were that creative! Source: A&E

The Oblivious Mom
20th Century Studios

The Oblivious Mom

She's usually sitting on the sidelines of her kids' games reading the paper, her book, or her iPad when whoosh — the ball comes out of nowhere and hits her.

The Outta-Here Mom

The Outta-Here Mom

She knows when both she and her kid have had enough and is ready to pull the plug on the whole afternoon — even if the cake has yet to be served at the birthday party. Source: WiffleGIF

The Babysitter-less Mom

The Babysitter-less Mom

Who needs a babysitter when you have an entire playground full of activities, according to this mom. You'll find her tending to her business (both personal and professional) on her smartphone while constantly responding to her child with, "Yes, I saw. You did great!"

The Champion

The Champion

Triathlons, dirt-filled obstacle courses, even weight-lifting competitions — this mom does them all, and she loves to share photos congratulating herself on her latest accomplishment. Source: Giphy

The Know-It-All
20th Century Studios

The Know-It-All

This mom may not have ever picked up a racket, but she knows everything there is to know about her child's favorite sport — including the field slang — even if she doesn't use the words properly!

The Negotiator

The Negotiator

She can be found next to the tot who's throwing a tantrum about having to perform on stage. Rather than pull her child from the show, she uses candy, TV time, and good old-fashioned pleading to convince them to get on stage.

The Hostess With the Mostest

The Hostess With the Mostest

Her stockings are hung by the chimney with care, and her tree looks like it came straight out of Martha Stewart Living. She greets you with a plate of holiday appetizers and sends you home with an impressive swag bag.

The Hypochondriac

The Hypochondriac

She's at the pediatrician's office so often she may as well get a job as a receptionist.

The Cookie Queen

The Cookie Queen

Her house smells like cinnamon, sugar, and all things sweet. She always adds a new treat or two to her long list of holiday confections, and you are more than happy to be the taste tester.

The "It Wasn't Mine" Mom

The "It Wasn't Mine" Mom

Her kid can do no wrong — he didn't knock over the little kids to race up the jungle gym, it must have been somebody else's tot. Right. Source: ESPN

The Coach's Pet
Columbia Pictures

The Coach's Pet

She thinks she's the assistant coach, but she really isn't. She knows the roster backward and forward, knows the plays, and paces the field like it's her job.

The Cake Fiend

The Cake Fiend

You may never see this mom eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner, but as soon as they blow out the candles on the cake, she's the first in line for a slice, often bowling other guests out of the way so she can dig into the buttercream confection. Source: BuzzFeed Celeb

The Defeated Mom

The Defeated Mom

She's got an army of kids (each in a different class) and just can't keep them all straight. Between all of the kids and their supplies, she's just holding it together long enough to get the right kid to the right class with the right bag. Be sure to offer this mom a hand! Source: TLC

The Ultimate Gifter

The Ultimate Gifter

Whether it's for her husband of 10 years or a co-worker in the office's white elephant swap, she always manages to give the perfect present. And don't even get us started on her wrapping skills.

The One Who Begs to Differ, But . . .

The One Who Begs to Differ, But . . .

Sorry, doc. You might have a degree from Harvard, but she's got Google. And WebMD.

The Purger

The Purger

She's so busy concentrating on which products she's buying, she doesn't realize just how much her kid has put in the cart until she's in the checkout line. Then, watch out, because there's a good chance she's leaving most of those items behind. Source: WiffleGIF

The Party Animal

The Party Animal

This mom doesn't want you to think that she's become a fuddy-duddy since becoming a parent. To prove it, she posts pictures of herself all dolled up at the hottest spots in town every time she goes out. And let's not get started on her "check-ins." Source: Giphy

The Waver

The Waver

The minute her child takes the stage, she throws her hand in the air to get their attention. Sometimes it's returned with a wave, but it's more often met with eye rolls and groans. Source: The CW

Instagram | gwenstefani


Yeah, there's bound to be a hot dad on the playground, too. You know, the dad who not only looks great on his own but is even sexier because he's there with his kid, by himself, and having a blast. Even in this age of stay-at-home dads and equally distributed child-rearing duties, this dad stands out and all of the moms can't stop watching.

She's the First One Who's Ever Done This

She's the First One Who's Ever Done This

She knows that you all think you've been here before, but her 6-month-old getting his shots is just somehow a bigger deal.

The Diva

The Diva

She thinks her child is the most talented in the dance class and, as a result, demands the royal treatment. If she is denied, then be prepared for a Dance Moms-style brawl. Source: Lifetime

The "Let Them Eat Dirt" Mom

The "Let Them Eat Dirt" Mom

No, seriously, this mom doesn't care if her little ones eat dirt, fall down (gently), or roll around in the sandbox. In her mind, it all helps them grow, right?

The Chauffeur

The Chauffeur

She happily drives the kids to school, but she doesn't enter the building. You'll see her waving from the driver's seat.

The Reader

The Reader

You might find a magnifying glass in this mom's purse, because she's not going to let one speck of nonorganic, unhealthy ingredients enter her child's body. She's reading through a product's ingredient list like the Inspector General, so her kids best not try to sneak anything into the cart. Source: Giphy

The Eggnog Enthusiast

The Eggnog Enthusiast

Her cup runneth over with holiday spirits. And if you met her mother-in-law, you'd probably understand why.

The Copycat

The Copycat

She doesn't need to come with a grocery list because she's eyeing everything in your cart and wants to know which aisle you found it in, is it good, did your kids like it, etc. Source: Giphy

The Chatty Kathy
Esquire TV

The Chatty Kathy

She looks at her kid's game time as her social hour, gossiping about the latest goings-on at school, in the neighborhood, and just about everywhere else. The hallmark of this mom is when her child comes over and says, "Did you see that hit?" and she automatically replies, "It was your best one yet!" though she didn't even know he was up at bat because she was so busy talking!

The Coupon Queen

The Coupon Queen

We admire this mom's ability to score a good deal, but we hate how long she takes at checkout. Source: TLC

The Alarmist

The Alarmist

To her, a bug bite is probably actually chicken pox, a runny nose means the flu, and an upset stomach means an ulcer.

The Sampler

The Sampler

Follow this mom around Costco on a Saturday afternoon, and she's got it all figured out — she knows which samples come out when and times it perfectly so she can have an entire meal made out of samples. Source: WiffleGIF

The Zealot

The Zealot

This mom looks at Facebook as her political outlet. From political rants to right- or left-leaning jokes, you might mistake her for her favorite candidate's political strategist. Don't get us started if you happen to disagree with her views. Source: Comedy Central



This is too much for her. The sick kids, the wait, the frustration. She's about to scre . . . OK, she's screaming now. Out loud. In the waiting room.

The Snack Mom

The Snack Mom

Everyone knows half the reason little kids play the game is for the snack when it's over. Thank goodness for the snack mom — she knows orange slices and granola bars are what the other moms want their kids to eat. But she also knows that the way to the kids' hearts is with doughnuts.

The Constant Complainer
Universal Pictures

The Constant Complainer

This mom treats Facebook like a therapy session. She posts about every parenting problem, from potty-training troubles to picky eating habits, as if she's the first one to experience them.

The Fashion Plate

The Fashion Plate

Yoga pants and jeans are usually the sideline-mom uniform, but there's always that one mom who takes it to the next level. From her beautiful scarf to her full face of makeup, she looks like she's starring in a Ralph Lauren ad rather than just cheering on her tot.

The Politician
Paramount Pictures

The Politician

She's either the president of the PTA or wants to be. The politician mom is always at school with a big smile on her face, a clipboard in her hand, and sign-up sheets awaiting volunteers. She may even give you a cupcake for signing up!

The Indifferent Mom
Columbia Pictures

The Indifferent Mom

Her kid tends to be the wildest on the jungle gym, but in her opinion, that's what playgrounds are for – getting your energy out. So don't expect her to discipline when her tot acts like a wild banshee.

The Judgmental Mama
Sony Pictures

The Judgmental Mama

You use disposable diapers. She says you're harming the environment. You and hubby had a baby-free weekend. She says you don't love your child. Don't try to win this woman over, because it is impossible.

The Videographer

The Videographer

She captures every moment of her kids' dance recital on her camera. Well, every moment that features her child. Source: Giphy

The Grinch
Universal Pictures

The Grinch

Need we say more? She manages to put on a happy face during the holidays for the kids, but inside, she's counting down the minutes till Dec. 26.

The Ambassador

The Ambassador

She's there every day and knows all of the kids (and their caretakers) by name. If you're new to the playground, don't worry, she's quick to point you in the direction of another mom/tot combo who has something in common with you!

The Unmother

The Unmother

This mom would rather be doing anything rather than parenting her child — and she has no qualms posting about it on Facebook.

The Proud Mom

The Proud Mom

Well, isn't that what we all are?

The Mime
Paramount Pictures

The Mime

She performs her child's piece from her seat or on the side of the stage, just in case they forget a step or note.

The Caroler

The Caroler

She knows the words to every holiday tune and is proud to show off her singing skills — even when you beg her not to.

The Archangel

The Archangel

She drops dollars into the Salvation Army's bucket every holiday season, not pennies. She buys more toys for tots than for her own children. She volunteers at the soup kitchen in her spare time. She's basically a saint, and you should tell her so!

The Braggart

The Braggart

At 5 years old, her son was trying out for the travel team. At 14, there were already college scouts coming to see him. Not only is this mom's son the "best one on the field" (in her opinion), everyone has to know about it!

The Last-Minute Mama
New Line Cinema

The Last-Minute Mama

Someone didn't look at her calendar! You can often find this mother sprinting through the stores to find the hottest toys on her tots' lists (which, of course, sold out months ago).

The Loner

The Loner

Unfortunately, this is often the stay-at-home dad the moms don't know yet. They don't know what his "deal" is or why he's at the playground in the middle of the day, and he isn't that interested in their deals either.

The Lurker

The Lurker

She really didn't need to get anything at the store, but she needed some time off, so you'll find "the lurker" sneaking in a little extra time to talk on the phone, read a magazine, or simply catch up on her ZZZs in the parking lot while her partner's at home tending to the kids.

The Gloater

The Gloater

If you judged this mom based on her posts, her life is perfect. Her kids heap love on her, her partner is the perfect father, and oh, look at that, she just posted a picture of the shiny new bauble he brought home "just because." Source: WiffleGIF

The Future Mrs. Claus

The Future Mrs. Claus

For this mom, December truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Others may be put off by her cheer, but she doesn't let that get her down.

Santa's Snobby Helper

Santa's Snobby Helper

Her potato latkes are a little crispier. Her tree is a tad taller. And her holidays are just overall better. At least, according to her.

The "This Is All She Did?" Mom
20th Century Studios

The "This Is All She Did?" Mom

For this mom, unless it's a Pinterest-worthy party full of original ideas, it's not worth even commenting on. A fill-your-own-bag color-coordinating candy bar? That's so last year!

The Reactor

The Reactor

This mom is so into her kid's game that she actually thinks she's playing it. She dodges the ball, shoots the goal, and takes some practice swings as if she were in the lineup herself.

The Sugar-Police Mom

The Sugar-Police Mom

Her little one already went to one birthday party this weekend, so there's no way this mom is letting little Johnny have another slice of cake at this party. You can usually find this mom pulling a baggie of baby carrots out of her purse around the time the candles are lit on the cake.

The Phantom

The Phantom

Her moves are stealth. She drops her kid off at practice and picks her up without anyone ever seeing her.

The Thunder-Stealer

The Thunder-Stealer

You're so proud of your little one's accomplishments, but this mom has to let everyone know that her tot did even better. You tend to find this mama's handiwork in the comments section of your Facebook post, where she shares a picture of her child with his gold medal.

The Escapist

The Escapist

It is 10 p.m. on a Friday and this mom is grocery shopping . . . by herself . . . and she is thrilled! It's her first moment to herself in days, and she's going to milk it for all it's worth! Hello, bakery! Hello, coffee cart! Hello, wine aisle! Source: Bold Films

Braggy Betty

Braggy Betty

She has an older child in the school, so she knows EVERYTHING — and she's not afraid to let you know it! She knows how the principal likes her coffee, the best way to get to the cafeteria, and how to get on the PTA president's good side. And even if she doesn't, she'll tell you she does!

The Eternal Elf
Warner Bros.

The Eternal Elf

She still makes reindeer prints in the snow and signs her children's gifts from Santa, even though they are in their teens. For her, the holidays are all about keeping the magic alive.

The Heathers
Paramount Pictures

The Heathers

These moms already have their own little clique and aren't really looking to make new friends. Don't even try to ease your way in.

The Pleaser
Paramount Pictures

The Pleaser

She'll do anything to avoid a temper tantrum in aisle three. So you can expect this mom to be willing to open the package of cookies, offer her tot a squeeze pack of anything, or even take a trip down the candy aisle to avoid the dreaded meltdown.

The Annie Leibovitz
New Line Cinema

The Annie Leibovitz

Say cheese! The Annie Leibovitz mom has her camera, or smartphone, at the ready because she isn't going to miss a shot of her baby's first day of school. She might hold up the line as she sets up the perfect shot of her little one walking into the classroom, meeting his teacher, hanging up his bag, and more, but she'll have an album worth of photos to look back on forever.

The Bartender
Columbia Pictures

The Bartender

This mom is just waiting for the classroom door to close on the first day of school so she can pop the Champagne to celebrate the kids being back in school. You can spot her because most of the moms are following her around like the pied piper! (Note: This mom really does exist. When I was a schoolgirl, she came to the bus stop with Champagne and strawberries for all of the parents. When the bus doors closed, you could hear the cork pop.)

The Scenester

The Scenester

This mom is never seen without her posse around her. If she sees her friends somewhere, she insists that the group gather round for a photo to prove just how tight they are.

The Martha

The Martha

Everything this mom does is Pinterest-perfect. Birthday parties, the kids' snacks, even the gifts she makes for the teachers. You know she's just doing what makes her happy, but she's making the rest of her Facebook friends feel inadequate!

The Teacher's Pet

The Teacher's Pet

You'll recognize this mom from day one. She's attached to the teacher's hip, asking if there's anything she can do, any way she can help, any worksheets that need ripping out from the workbook, etc. And while she seems like a real helper, all she really wants is a few extra moments in the classroom. Source: TriStar

The Scatterbrain

The Scatterbrain

She tends to be a new mom, who is functioning on only a few hours of sleep — at most. This is probably her third trip to the store, today, because she keeps forgetting one item.

The Self-Proclaimed Expert

The Self-Proclaimed Expert

No need to google your questions. This mom has read every baby book and visits every parenting site on a daily basis, so she's more than happy to supply you with answers if you post a question. If you dare to disagree with her, be prepared for a lengthy response, complete with a works-cited page.

The Lush

The Lush

Everything's better with a glass of wine, according to this mom. You post about your tot taking a Sharpie to your new purse, and this mom tells you to have a glass of wine to calm down. You post about feeling nostalgic as you pack away your toddler's baby clothes, and this mom tells you to have a glass of wine to wash down the tears. Whatever the issue, this mom's answer is a glass of wine. Source: Bravo TV

The Ghost

The Ghost

You've seen her name on your new-mom group emails, and she's Instagrammed pics of her baby, so you know she exists . . . it's just that you're pretty sure she's yet to actually leave her house. Source: Cartoon Network

The Cheerleader

The Cheerleader

Every mom in the audience takes on this role during the show. After all, we want our kids to know we're proud of them! Source: NBC