19 Photos That Perfectly Sum Up Your Labor Experience

Your water broke, and it's officially go time. And even though it will only last for a day, you'll experience a lifetime's worth of emotions and bodily changes jam-packed into just a few hours. Childbirth takes it out of you mentally and physically, but when it's over, well, it's just a blur because you have a new bundle of joy to love! We've broken it down from the good, the bad, and the funny with these 20 photos that perfectly summarize your incredible and insane labor experience.

When you realize that your time with your bowling ball is almost up.
Flickr user Justin Cross

When you realize that your time with your bowling ball is almost up.

And then you momentarily panic that you're not ready.
Flickr user L B Gschwandtner

And then you momentarily panic that you're not ready.

When you make sure to grab one last "before shot" because things are about to get real!
Flickr user joni_edelman

When you make sure to grab one last "before shot" because things are about to get real!

When you first get hooked up and everything looks good.

When you first get hooked up and everything looks good.

When you decide to settle in because this child isn't coming anytime soon.
Flickr user Teona Koridze

When you decide to settle in because this child isn't coming anytime soon.

When you feel like you're going to punch someone if they hook you up to even one more wire.

When you feel like you're going to punch someone if they hook you up to even one more wire.

When not a single thing you learned in Lamaze class is actually helping.

When not a single thing you learned in Lamaze class is actually helping.

When you'd do anything just to be able to fall asleep even for just a few minutes.
Flickr user Alex Callister

When you'd do anything just to be able to fall asleep even for just a few minutes.

When you thought you didn't want drugs and realize you'd do anything to numb the pain.
Flickr user Jena Gevaart

When you thought you didn't want drugs and realize you'd do anything to numb the pain.

When it really feels like you need to poop.

When it really feels like you need to poop.

When it's time for the doctor to go in deep.

When it's time for the doctor to go in deep.

When you go to your happy place to get through the pain.
Flickr user Natalia

When you go to your happy place to get through the pain.

When it's down to the wire and you start to second-guess your top name.

When it's down to the wire and you start to second-guess your top name.

When you don't think you can keep pushing even a second longer.
Flickr user Britt-knee

When you don't think you can keep pushing even a second longer.

When you're desperately trying to find your inner strength to power through it.

When you're desperately trying to find your inner strength to power through it.

When it feels like everyone can see what's going on but you.

When it feels like everyone can see what's going on but you.

When your baby comes out squished, gunky, and absolutely perfect.

When your baby comes out squished, gunky, and absolutely perfect.

When you finally experience the bliss of skin-to-skin contact with your newborn for the first time.

When you finally experience the bliss of skin-to-skin contact with your newborn for the first time.