Hillary Clinton Just Annihilated Donald Trump's Extremism in 1 Memorable Sentence

During a campaign speech in Reno, NV, on Aug. 25, Hillary Clinton delivered her sharpest criticism yet of Donald Trump, his extremist views, and his disorganized campaign. The Democratic presidential nominee called him an example of "prejudice and paranoia," and cited his call for a ban on Muslims, his refusal to disavow the support from David Duke (a former KKK member), his suggestion that Mexicans were rapists, and his role in leading the birther movement that claims Obama wasn't born in the US.

Watch her full speech here:

The essence of her message can be summarized with this single quote:

"A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military."

Clinton was also careful to separate Trump's dangerous ideals from the rest of the Republican party. She said, "Anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant ideas — all key tenets making up an emerging racist ideology known as the 'Alt-Right.'" The alternative right movement refers to a particular group of conservatives railing against so-called "political correctness," but whose ideals are largely racist. The distinction is that the alt-right's values are distinctly rooted in xenophobia while the GOP party's — though conservative — are not.

As Clinton was speaking, her team posted some of her central points on Twitter. See them here:

Many on Twitter reacted positively to her speech:

Damn, @HillaryClinton just punched @realDonaldTrump in the throat with that speech. Sometimes well crafted words hit hardest #NeverTrump

— John Novak (@johnjnovak2) August 25, 2016