The Incredible Way 1 Man Helped 89 Elementary Students Who Couldn't Afford Lunch

It's almost impossible to retain information when you are hungry, especially as children. Since many public school lunches are not free, too many kids are unable to afford the food and they end up owing the school unpaid lunch balances. When Jerry Fenton, a motel owner in Burlington, IA, found out how many students had unpaid balances at his old elementary school, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Fenton donated $700 to Grimes Elementary School to cover the cost of 89 students' unpaid school lunches. Though the balance was only $459, Fenton bestowed more to cover future balances. According to local news outlet WQAD, Fenton was inspired to pay for the students' lunches after he saw someone on Facebook post about how they had done something similar.

"I find it hard to believe that in this day and age there are kids that go hungry. It's just unfathomable in this day and age," Fenton told the local news.