Nancy Sinatra Threw the Subtlest of Shade at Donald Trump and His First Inaugural Ball Dance

Donald Trump has reportedly chosen Frank Sinatra's "My Way" as his first dance song with Melania at the inaugural ball on Friday — but Nancy Sinatra, Frank's daughter, was quick to point out that the irony of his selection is quite palpable.

Sinatra responded to a fan's tweet asking her opinion on Trump's choice, coolly writing: "Just remember the first line of the song." What is that first line? "And now, the end is near." It would seem that Trump (or someone on his transition team) failed to note that.

Just remember the first line of the song.

— Nancy Sinatra (@NancySinatra) January 19, 2017

This is not the first time Sinatra has thrown shade at Trump. Earlier this year, Sinatra shared a screenshot of Trump's older tweets criticizing his language because children were "watching."

Watch your language, Mr. Trump. Children are watching and listening.

— Nancy Sinatra (@NancySinatra) January 16, 2017

Since Trump's presidency is about to commence, now is a better time than ever to reiterate Sinatra's warning, except this time, the entire world is watching.