Consider This Brilliant Seth Meyers Monologue About Trump's Lies Your Therapy For the Week

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Let this Seth Meyers monologue about Donald Trump's first few days in office be your therapy for the week. The late-night host recently addressed the inauguration, the Trump administration's presentation of lies (also known as "alternative facts"), and the historic Women's March in a 10-minute segment that you'll want to watch more than once.

Meyers began by showing clips of Women's Marches across the world, including one in Antarctica. "Imagine being so disliked that people are willing to go outside and protest you in Antarctica," he said about Trump. Meyers also called out the lack of crowds at the inauguration and the subsequent parade. "Look at how empty those bleachers are — there were more people in the bleachers during 'Summer Lovin','" he said in a burn Grease fans are sure to love.

Meyers took a more serious tone when mentioning the administration's denial of the low inauguration turnout and its insistence that it was one of the most viewed inaugurations in history despite evidence to the contrary. "These may seem like small lies, but the small lies inoculate us against bigger lies. They make facts a matter of partisan debate rather than shared reality," he said. It may be crowd sizes now, but what's next?