Let's Throw It Back to This Clip of Trump Supporting Transgender Bathroom Rights

On Feb. 22, President Donald Trump's administration withdrew federal protections for transgender public school students that allowed them to use the bathrooms that correlated with their gender identities. On the heels of this polarizing announcement, many are noticing how Trump's views on the issue have completely changed in the past year.

The Today Show recently resurfaced a Trump appearance from April 21, 2016, in which the POTUS talked about protecting the rights of transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.

"They use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble." Trump on transgender bathroom rights in April 2016 pic.twitter.com/eL5Ebb1xQR

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) February 23, 2017

"Leave it the way it is right now. They're happy now," he said in the interview. He continues to discuss how there are no issues with allowing people to use the facilities they most identify with, saying, "People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble."

These comments directly contradict his recent legislative move. It's likely that his major flip-flop stems from his efforts to please his party base as well as the more hardcore conservatives on his team, like Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Either way, contradictions like these raise questions about what the next four years have in store.