Remember When Putin Sang "Blueberry Hill" to a Room of American Celebs? We Didn't Either

It's nearly too good to be real, but the above video of Russian President Vladimir Putin crooning "Blueberry Hill" is, in fact, verifiably undoctored footage.

Back in 2010, when Putin was prime minister of the Russian Federation, he graced the audience of a children's charity benefit with a rendition of the iconic tune. Popularized by Fats Domino, Putin audibly sings the song in English, which he apparently learned to do in an English class.

"Like an overwhelming majority of people, I can neither sing nor play, but I very much like doing it," Putin said as he took the stage per a translation provided by Reuters.

What's perhaps more surprising than the performance itself is Putin's audience: Goldie Hawn can be spotted in the video. Kevin Costner, Sharon Stone, and Kurt Russell were also in attendance at the event, according to ABC News.

Given Putin's decidedly "macho" public persona, the video is certainly out of character. It's also totally bizarre and worth watching more than once.