Do You Have the Safest Dog Crate For Your Car?

With the Winter holidays on the horizon, many families are making travel plans to visit their loved ones, and that includes packing up pets for car trips. There's more to bringing your cat or dog along in the car than just strapping them in, though, and Subaru and the Center For Pet Safety recently completed a test on various pet-travel-related products to prove just that.

According to the study, done over the course of four years, the best crate for any pet is the Gunner Kennel. It's structurally sound, so it won't move around in the car, and provides a safe space for your pet during the ride.

"Many consider their pets much more than just a pet; they are members of their family. While pet parents take necessary steps to ensure their pets are safe at home, most are unaware of essential safety measures needed to protect both drivers and their four-legged friends when traveling with them in a vehicle," said Michael McHale, Subaru's director of corporate communications.

Find more safety-tested travel products from the study here.