Changing Your Dog's Diet May Be Easier Than You Think

There's a good chance you already know that when you're changing your dog's food, you can't just do it outright. But, believe it or not, changing from one food to another is really very simple. Dr. Brent Mayabb, a veterinarian and vice president of corporate affairs at Royal Canin, gave us a simple breakdown to follow when transitioning food.

"It should only take about seven days, but play it by ear if your dog isn't handling the change well," he said. Here's a simple guide to follow.

Days 1-2: 75 percent old food, 25 percent new food
Days 3-4: 50 percent old food, 50 percent new food
Days 5-6: 25 percent old food, 75 percent new food
Day 7: 100 percent new food

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