Help Your Pets Achieve Their New Year's Resolutions of Staying Healthy

The New Year is a time when we all tell ourselves we're going to do something bigger or better with our lives, and these resolutions should include your pets. PetSmart veterinarian and pet care expert Dr. Kemba Marshall has a couple tips to ensure a fit 2016 for your pet.

  • Exercise is critical. Just like humans, pets need physical activity in order to be healthy too. Consider your pet's breed and plan exercise depending on their individual needs.
  • Mental stimulation is just as important. Try active feeding by hiding several Kong toys around the house stuffed with the morning food. Once your pet discovers the first toy and gets to the food inside, they're compelled to go searching for others.
  • Eat right. If you've been feeding your pet the same food for years, it may be time for you and your vet to assess their diet. Your pet can eat Paleo just like you with Only Natural Pet dog and cat food, which contains all-natural ingredients and minimal processing, eliminating all artificial ingredients.
  • Eliminate bad habits. Discovering an unhealthy routine in your pet's day-to-day life is as simple as paying closer attention to his or her behavior.
  • Put in the work. Change can be tough on pets, especially when it disrupts diet or day-to-day routines. The important thing to remember is that positive results rarely come without work.