If You're Planning to Wear a Halloween Costume to Disneyland, STOP and Read This First!

If you're planning to go to Disneyland around Halloween Time, there's some important costume guidelines you should know. If you are 14 or older, you're not allowed to wear any sort of costume during regular park hours. However, if you're going to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, you are allowed to wear a costume if it follows the park's guidelines. The official Disney parks website lists the official regulations as follows:

  • Layered costumes or costume props that surround the entire body are strongly discouraged and may be subject to additional security screening.
  • Costumes may not reach or drag on the ground (e.g.,full-length princess dresses).
  • Capes may be worn if the length does not go below the waist.
  • Themed t-shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, and hats are acceptable.
  • Acceptable accessories include: transparent wings, plastic lightsabers, toy swords, and tutus. Headwear may be worn as long as it does not cover the face.
  • Masks of any kind may not be worn.

Now you know! Make sure to plan your costume accordingly before heading to the big Halloween festivities! And remember — if you're going during the park's regular hours, any kind of costume for adults is a big no-no.