The 1 Constructive Thing You Should Do When You're Mad at Someone

Flickr user Matt

We've all been there: a conflict arises with a friend, parent, partner, or co-worker, and you're left wading through feelings of resentment and frustration. It can be tough to deal with an invasive emotion like anger — especially when you're not quite sure what to do or say in the heat of the moment. Reddit's back at it again with the life hacks, and this time, user Whiteberry reveals their tip for how to handle the situation without blowing off steam destructively. The simple fix? Write a letter.

"Angry at someone?" the Redditor wrote. "Write a letter to them, but don't send it. It will help you understand why you're angry and keep you from overreacting emotionally." Mapping out your feelings on paper is a wonderful way to get yourself under control before doing something drastic. If you don't plan to give the person your letter, don't hold back! Let it all out (and trust us, it'll come out). When you're finished, you can rip the letter up and throw it out, or keep it out of sight until you're over it.

Whiteberry also links to a WikiHow page that features an example complaint letter, in case you're interested in actually sending a thoughtful letter to the offender.

Get to the point right off the bat.

Get to the point right off the bat.

No beating around the bush. Concisely state what happened and why it's troubling you.

State what the person did wrong.

State what the person did wrong.

Why, exactly, was the act offensive? List the reasons clearly.

Explain what could've been done differently.

Explain what could've been done differently.

Give an example of how to properly handle the situation in the future.

Name a resolution and the lesson to be learned.

Name a resolution and the lesson to be learned.

It's also in your favor to mention you know he or she didn't mean any harm as you wrap up your letter. You don't want to come off as furious and irrational.

You can keep it short, straightforward, and respectful.

"With all due respect, you play your music and TV entirely too loud." Simple yet polite.

Consider a little humor if appropriate.

It will lighten the mood, and the person may be more apt to help you out.