Being Type A Is Overrated — Here's Why Type B Is the Best

Maybe we just naturally gravitate toward the neatly explained; or maybe it's based on our egotistical need to be reassured, but whatever the reason, most of us love reading about (and then ultimately subscribing enthusiastically to) different personality traits and what they represent; what they say about those who supposedly embody them. Because of this incessant need to define ourselves, there is, unsurprisingly, a plethora of information available online about what a certain "type" means; if you're an introvert or an extrovert; or an introverted extrovert; or an extroverted introvert . . . or a four-headed flamingo.

It hopefully goes without saying that although some of these various measurements of personality are rooted in science, they really only serve as general markers. Most of us exemplify traits from both ends of any given personality spectrum; we're each a unique combination of our environment and our relationships and, yes, our chemical makeup.

But we're stubborn, control-craving little humans, so we still love rationalizing the idea of one concrete "type." But I've noticed that most of the info out there is focused on praising Type A personalities; you know, the traditionally overachieving among us who shudder at the thought of a messy desk and seem to always be wearing freshly pressed clothes.

Now, I'm not knocking the A-team at all; their intensity serves a very specific and important purpose; I just think that Type Bs have our own, often unsung strengths. So I put my very creative brain (cue hair flip) to work to compile a few reasons I'm proud to be ( . . . mostly) Type B, and you should be too! Check it.

1. You're, Like, So Chill

Unlike your Type A counterparts, people with a predominantly Type B personality tend to handle frustration and irritation with a lot of calm, stress-reducing self-control. This means you're less likely to freak out at a co-worker for accidentally disorganizing your stuff or snap at your significant other for something you should probably just shrug off.

2. Unexpected Challenges Don't Trip You Up

That deadline that just got moved up? You're not paralyzed with anxiety over it like some other letters of the alphabet . . .

Instead, you embrace the new situation and adjust your sails. You greet unanticipated stress with a creative, solution-driven attitude; you adapt. This flexible sense of productivity also means you're more likely to take risks and bounce back from perceived failures than Type As. Because Type B personalities tend to be big picture people, we can gracefully ride the waves of day-to-day mishaps while keeping our eye on the prize.

3. You're a Collaborator, Not a Competitor

Type A individuals tend to, often annoyingly so ( . . . there, I said it), embrace blind competition in just about every aspect of life. Whether they're vying for a petty work victory or playing what should be a low-key game with friends, Type As have a habit of unabashedly giving it their all . . . all the time. But as much as that high-intensity approach can pay off, it might just be Type Bs who really have the added edge. See, we tend to view other people as potential collaborators, not competitors. This means we embrace the exchange and shared development of ideas with our peers. Spoiler alert: that's usually how most inspired, forward-thinking projects come to fruition.

4. You Stop, You Smell The Flowers, Then You Instagram the Flowers

No matter how busy and ambitious you are, you're probably still pretty good at enjoying the moment, and you proudly consider self-care one of your top priorities. Whether you're conscious of it or not, Type B individuals are hardwired to appreciate the process of getting where they're going, even while working steadily toward that end goal. This means you're more likely to celebrate achievements (both big and small) and feel genuinely satisfied with your life, even if you acknowledge that it's a work in progress.

5. Within You, Without You

Your ability to reflect means not only do you know your true self better than most Type As, but you're also able to connect more easily with others. Naturally creative and curious about the world around them, Type Bs tend to be good at talking to people and, possibly without even realizing it, putting them at ease with their generally laid-back demeanor.

There ya have it, Team B! It's clear that we are uniquely equipped to create, impact, and innovate in a very significant way. The best way to harness all these exciting abilities? Keep it real with ourselves, for one. It is imperative for us Type Bs to develop self-disciplined methods of staving off the not-so-awesome qualities that inevitably come along with our signature chillness. Procrastination, laziness, and unfulfilled potential will try to sneak in. Cultivate your self-awareness, redirect your focus, and tell them who's Boss!