A Studio Ghibli Theme Park Is Set to Open in Japan in 2020!

Totoro, Totoro, Totoro, Totoro! You know, the one who helps your garden grow and may or may not provide a leaf-umbrella when you're caught in the rain? Get excited because Studio Ghibli is opening a theme park dedicated to one of its most treasured animations, My Neighbor Totoro. Producer Toshio Suzuki and the governor of Aichi Prefecture Expo Memorial Park agreed to a plan on May 31 and aim to open it up in the early 2020s.

Expo Park (located in Nagoya, Japan) already hosts a recreation of Satsuki and Mei's home from Hayao Miyazaki's film. But Studio Ghibli and Aichi administration are teaming up to expand the exhibit to 200 acres, which will be Ghibli's largest installation yet. The proposed plan is to maintain the existing natural environment filled with trees and flowers, instead of cutting down trees for new developments. What they're calling "Ghibli Park," for now, will bring familiar settings and landscapes to life.

We can't wait to see it!