People Think the New American Boy Doll Reminds Them Too Much of Their Ex-Boyfriends

For the first time in its history, American Girl announced it's releasing its first-ever boy doll, Logan Everett! The doll, which will go on sale on Feb. 16, looks like the boy next door. He's brunette, plays the drums, wears flannel, and has a grown-up Justin Bieber haircut. It's exactly these qualities that's made the internet totally wary of him; he reminds us of any boy who's ever ghosted or sent a late-night text.

why does this doll look like he's about to ghost you

— Heather Schmelzlen (@anchorlines) February 14, 2017

Naturally, the internet started to call Logan out on his bullsh*t and take guesses on what other qualities he most likely has.

that name. I bet he's from brooklyn and his parents are actually a group of 5 writers who dabble in rooftop aquaponics and apiarism

— Trash Dave (@Aerocles) February 14, 2017

American Girl unveiled a boy doll named Logan Everett and there's no doubt that he joined a youth group to hit on girls.

— Reilly Stoner (@reillystoner) February 14, 2017

Oh no my ex

— Janie Stolar (@JanieFierce) February 14, 2017

the new american girl doll is every fuckboy whose ever texted you "u up" at 3 am

— MikePosnerWasSnubbed (@audevwhite) February 14, 2017

Sorry, Logan, but you just remind us too much of our exes.