How to Get More Space on Your iPhone — For Real

POPSUGAR Photography
POPSUGAR Photography

"Storage Almost Full." The three most dreaded words for iPhone users. We all know Facebook and iTunes take up a ton of room, but there's only so much you can delete to make space for the hot new app your friends are talking about. That's where the new PhoneExpander Mac app comes in. For $20, it works by finding the biggest and often undercover space offenders, like: huge apps and photos, as well as temporary files being stored in your phone without you even knowing. The PhoneExpander peeps explain: "All the apps on your device leave behind a residue of temporary files, which PhoneExpander can help clear away."

To test it out, follow these steps:

  1. Download the PhoneExpander Mac app here.
  2. Install and open it.
  3. Choose between Clear Temporary Files, Remove Apps, or Clear Photos.
  4. Select files and apps you want to remove with the simple interface!
  5. Enjoy a phone with more free space.

It's painless Spring cleaning for your phone.