The Easiest (and Most Fun) World Cup Fantasy League Ever

Fantasy sports leagues are the best: there's friendly taunting and perhaps an under-the-table cash prize for the victor — but they require so much time and commitment. A whole season is far too long to dedicate yourself to a single thing, which is why our new obsession is Ultimate Fan Live for iOS (free), which takes fantasy fútbol to the next level.

Instead of picking a full team and acquiring points all season long, in Ultimate Fan Live, players pick a live match, draft just two players each, and then earn points based on how they play. But the craziest part is that this all happens in real time! Follow how you're doing on your phone while you're watching the live game. It's a great second-screen experience for World Cup fans.

We love how easy it is to pick up Ultimate Fan Live and start trash-talking (er, playing against) fellow soccer-loving family and friends.

Don't have a TV? Follow the World Cup here, and laugh off a win or loss with the most hilarious memes for soccer's biggest event.