These Photos of the Northern Lights Will Make You Believe in Magic

If you don't live in Michigan, upstate New York, Canada, or Finland, then the odds are that you didn't catch last night's spectacular aurora borealis. Thanks to a severe geomagnetic storm, a rare occurrence that is nearly the highest category of solar storm, the northern lights became even more breathtaking. All across the globe, purple, green, and pink streaks glowed throughout the night sky with a vivacity that hasn't been seen in . . . well, ever.

This wasn't an event that only scientists could witness through specialized equipment, either. From Russia to Michigan, normal people were amazed by the pulsing lights, many even capturing them on camera. Check out these Instagram shots from all over the world, and you might begin to believe in magic. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?

Instagram | konstalinkola

Aurora borealis in Porvoo, Finland.

Instagram | andyclapham

Aurora borealis in Michigan.

Instagram | chicklet0825

Aurora borealis in Finland.

Instagram | kaapovalkeavirta

Aurora borealis in Finland.

Instagram | sinclairphoto

Aurora borealis in Alberta, Canada.

Instagram | joniniemela

Aurora borealis in Finland.

Instagram | ed_norton

Aurora borealis in Iceland.

Instagram | styrmir_heiddis

Aurora borealis in Iceland.

Instagram | aim0i

Aurora borealis in Finland.

Instagram | adamhillstudios

Aurora borealis in Canada.

Instagram | northernwayoflife

Aurora borealis in Leland Harbor, MI.

Instagram | paulzizkaphoto

Aurora borealis in British Columbia, Canada.

Instagram | allchurchthree

Aurora borealis in Reykjavik, Iceland.