This Hedgehog's Funny Smile Will Make Your Day So Much Better

In case you're looking for a new Instagram obsession or need a little something to brighten up your day, Huff the Hedgehog can take care of both. The adorable palm-size critter, whose formal name is Hodge Huffington, has more than 18,000 Instagram followers thanks to his funny smile. Huff's buck teeth are also making him famously known as the "vampire" hedgehog.

Since being adopted by student Carolyn Parker, the 3-year-old African pygmy hedgehog is having the most lovely adventures around Utah. What started off as just for fun grew into his current online fame. "I started taking pictures of Huff just for fun and sharing the pictures on Facebook," said Parker to ABC News. "I, like a lot of people, struggle with seasonal depression and taking cute pictures with Huff always cheered me up. Still does!"

You'll completely agree with Parker after looking at some of the insanely cute photos ahead with captions of what we think he'd say. Huff and Marutaro the Hedgehog would probably be the best of friends!

Monday got me like . . .

Oh, hi there.

Uh huh, go on.

Life is goooood.

I like the Fall.

Why you mad though?

I'm tripping out.