Marvel's First Female Superhero Movie Isn't What You'd Expect

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Nearly every year, a new movie about a superhero arrives to theaters and, nearly every year, the main character is the same — a male lead. Although Marvel is finally creating a movie starring the female superhero Captain Marvel coming in 2018, a comedy company called out the studio in a spoof trailer about just how easy it is to create a movie starring a woman.

From the very beginning, the Above Average trailer is full of hilarious moments — like when the female movie executive, "The Greenlighter," is asked why she must be the one who takes on this role and she simply responds with, "The world needs someone to do the tiny bit of effort it takes to make a female superhero movie." At another point in the trailer, one male screenwriter asks how to write a movie with a female lead and The Greenlighter says, "Hit 'Find and Replace' and give the hero a woman's name." Toward the very end, several of the male film executives suggest giving the female superhero the power of sex or a superrevealing costume and The Greenlighter uses her powers to literally knock that idea out of their heads.

Needless to say, this trailer is amazing and a must-watch for anyone who is tired of seeing several renditions of the same male superheroes.