11 Struggles Only Math Majors Will Totally Get

Math majors might have it hardest between making jokes that only they get and being asked to calculate tips all the time. Sure, English majors need to write endless essays and science students spend their lives taring scales, but they probably didn't ever get a two-hour test with only three problems on it. Whether you're someone who uses math in their job or does their best to avoid talking about it, we've rounded up the struggles only you'll understand.


Becoming bilingual on accident


Which came in handy when you needed to translate your homework


Trying to make any problem set fun


Creating study guides that could cover the walls of your room


Coming up with proofs of why you don't need to study


Spending your life's fortune on textbooks


Competing with your friends on who had the neatest problem set


Finding a board without chalk was a nightmare


Decorating your graduation cap in a nerdy joke because you deserve it


Knowing to expect these answers anytime you tell someone your major

We get it — now please don't ask us to calculate the tip for dinner.