This Note From a Restaurant Owner to a Dumpster Diver Will Warm Your Heart

When Oklahoma restaurant owner Ashley Jiron noticed that someone had been rummaging for food in her sandwich shop's dumpster, she didn't call the police or ignore the problem. Instead, she wrote a note for the dumpster diver, inviting them inside for a free meal. "It hurt me that someone had to do that," she told the local news after her note went viral on Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook. She has vowed not to remove the note until the recipient has received their free meal and asked followers to share in hopes of finding the hungry person.

Ashley's note, which told the unknown person that they are "a human being and worth more than a meal from a dumpster," has sparked worldwide support for her sandwich joint, P.B. Jams . . . and now the restaurant has established an even better system for feeding the hungry. The #ShareTheNuts program allows restaurant visitors to prepay for those in need, allowing the hungry to eat fresh meals indoors — no dumpster diving required.