These Photos From the Rare Strawberry Moon Are Magical and Wonderful

Whether you love stargazing or not, you definitely saw an extraspecial treat to start your Summer this week. A rare strawberry moon, an event that only happens when a full moon occurs during a Summer solstice, lit up the sky, and it was incredible.

People from all over the world took to social media to share photos of the magical event, which last took place 70 years ago. Take a look ahead and relive the moment if you happened to miss it.

Over in Virginia, the moon shone in a different light.

For some people, it looked really red.

For others, it was a little more orange colored.

You could definitely tell it was a different color.

Over in Texas, it looked huge.

The moon lit up New York City.

Could you ask for a better start to Summer?

It was truly incredible to see.

Until next time, strawberry moon!