Steve Jobs Like You've Never Seen Him Before

As Apple Inc.'s founder and longtime CEO, the late Steve Jobs made products for "the crazy ones," the "round pegs in square holes" who are "not fond of rules." When Steve launched the Think Different campaign in 1997, the person he had in mind was probably a lot like Jason Mecier, an inventive San Francisco artist who creates outrageous mosaic portraits of pop culture icons.

Jason's latest work is a mind-bogglingly magnificent portrayal of the Mac master, made of 20 pounds of electronic waste.


Most of Jason's portraits take at least 50 hours to craft, and he often uses two or three hot glue guns simultaneously! In Steve's portrait, bits and pieces of enostalgia are sprinkled throughout. We spy the fourth-generation iPod, a floppy disk for Mac Fonts, some flip phone limbs, and lots of peripherals.

One man's trash is definitely Jason's treasure — the artist has also used ewaste (among many other things) in his David Bowie and Lady Gaga pieces.

View Jason's entire body of work at his website, and let us know which 3D mosaics make your jaw drop!